Pre-Birthday Celebration and MOE Training


To celebrate finishing a semester (and my birthday), a couple of us went to eat dinner in Miaoli City at a restaurant called Chateau.  They serve very good Italian dishes. 🙂 RJ even bought me a cake!!! Yay! My stomach is very happy.  It was a great night; there was good conversation and good food.  What more could a girl want? I’m very thankful for the friends I’ve made in Taiwan and they made me feel really special, which I appreciate.


It’s my last weekend in Taiwan before Tracy and I head off to Thailand.  I got my nails done and had some lunch with my grandparents.

MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 ~ JANUARY 27, 2016

But before I head of to Thailand, I have to attend a 2-day teacher training as part of the program.  We all made presentations and shared our experiences thus far. Parts of it was helpful. I truly learned some great learning activities from the other teachers.  I also enjoyed talking to the other teachers and getting to know them better. Other parts of it were not helpful. I’m going to leave it at that.

In the middle, we did a cultural excursion.  They drove us to Miaoli County and we went to the Mask Cultural Museum.  Here, you can paint your own face mask if you’re looking for a lengthy activity.  We all painted small wooden key chains.  We could choose from the zodiac animals or a traditional Chinese shirt.  I was super impressed at how good the key chains came out for the other teachers.  They really have an eye for this and are super creative.  My creativity was not working that day.

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Me and Chloe
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My monkey…because I’m the year of the monkey
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My co teacher’s – Isn’t it beautiful!
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Colette and I in front of the entrance.
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