It’s my first week back in Taiwan and so far so good. I arrived on a Saturday and started work on the following Monday. Luckily, the jet lag seems to have fixed itself within 3 days.  The commute to work is about an hour. My social media hour. I spend this hour checking Instagram and Snapchat on the train. So post good stuff/send me snaps because you guys are what I start my day with, lol.  I know I sound like a millennial, where it seems like I spend hours on social media apps.  Indeed, some days I do. Well, I was checking Snapchat yesterday as usual and noticed there were a lot of snaps and pictures of people working out. It’s as if everyone I follow on snapchat decided that today was their work out day. That kind of forced me to look at my own life.  Why am I not working out? Do I want to work out? 

It was during lunch, when I decided to take to Twitter. I’m not that active on twitter. I maybe tweet once a year. As I wrote my 140 characters, it hit me that I wanted to love my body and take care of it. It’s not that I don’t like my body size or shape. My body isn’t healthy and I know it. If I truly loved my body, I would do good for it, like exercise. So, I was sitting there, at McDonald’s. I had just finished my lunch and made up my mind to join a gym. 

So, I called up my aunt. She met me after work and helped me sign up for a membership. Normally, I’d be capable of doing this myself, except in a foreign country it’s kind of good to have someone with you who speaks the local language. The price ain’t cheap, but it’s for my body, which is priceless. It’s easy to say I’ll go to the gym. It’s easy to swipe that card. But, the real challenge is what happens next. As we’re walking out, my aunt says to me, “Tina, fighting!” Fighting primarily means a violent act, but it can also mean strive to achieve (Thanks Google). This was the encouragement I needed. 

So, if you’re thinking of doing something, just do it! Let’s do something, together. I’m going to go and research weight training workouts. If you’re reading this, you’re a good friend. Keep fighting!

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