Hot Springs and Strawberries

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RJ took me later that week to Carrefour to buy my first screwdriver.

DECEMBER 20, 2015

This weekend I stayed in Miaoli.  I can’t remember the last time I just stayed in Miaoli for the entire weekend.

I had a somewhat lazy Saturday and bought a coat rack for my room.  It wasn’t until Sunday morning when I was building the coat rack, that I realized I needed a screw driver. FML.  I didn’t want the materials to just sit there until I bought a screwdriver so I assembled it to the best of my ability without a screwdriver.  It stayed together but the screws were sticking out and I couldn’t turn them anymore with my fingers.

Putting the project aside, I hopped on the high speed rail shuttle bus and took it to the last stop at Shei-pa National Park.

I saw a video about farming salmon and found it surprisingly interesting.  It took me back to one of my science classes in college when we learned about that kind of stuff. It was all in Chinese, but I think I got the gist of it.

Afterwards, I went strawberry picking for 30 min.  The strawberries tasted pretty good, but they weren’t big like the ones in the U.S. The strawberries were also slightly expensive, but that’s not unusual.


Then, Rebecca and I met up and took the free hot springs festival shuttle bus to the hot springs.  Most of these hot springs seemed to be located at some resort/hotel. After asking the guide at the national park, they said that the last stop was the best.

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Here’s the schedule for the free shuttle if you’re interested. It departs once every hour from the high speed rail station I think.

These hot springs are up in the mountains, so the roads were extremely winding and my motion sickness was really bad that afternoon.  I ended up throwing up after we got off the bus.  We were also kind of hungry.  Luckily there were people selling some corn on a cobs and taiwanese sausages.  I ate 4 sausages and a corn cob.

We walked 5 min from the bus drop off to the hot spring “resort.”  To our dismay, the hot spring was a nude only facility.  Clothes are not allowed in the hot spring.  Needless to say, we were not prepared for that. So we hopped back on the next bus and went to the King’s Resort and Spa.  It was really nice there.  They had a great view of the mountains and the whole thing was very enjoyable.  It was 300NT for unlimited time.

Next, Rebecca and I were hungry so we went to another resort with a “chocolate” restaurant. Unfortunately, they all closed pretty early. But we were able to get the chef to cook us something even though it was past the closing time.

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