Batter, Batter, Batter


Travel Expo

Taipei has a couple travel expos throughout the year.  My aunt told me that most of them are free. However, the one this weekend just happened to be the largest out of all of them and there was a 200NTD admittance fee.  I probably stayed for 20 minutes.  It was crazy! There were so many people and so many travel promotions.  I think I would have been more excited if I could understand what they were saying. Yes, the whole thing was in Chinese.  I went with my aunt who was able to get a lot more out of it than I could.  All the more motivation for me to learn Chinese, right? 😉

Tianmu Baseball Stadium

Baseball is the national sport in Taiwan and a pretty big deal.  Tickets are as cheap as 100NT ($3 US dollars).  We paid 310NT for our tickets. I have a co worker who is a Taiwan baseball fanatic.  If you follow Taiwan baseball at all, you probably know RJ.  Even my cousins know of him.  Anyways, he told me about a game Taiwan v. USA.  Whoo hoo!! Exciting, right?! I then proceeded to hit up every American I knew in Taiwan and we all cheered on the USA team at Tianmu Baseball Stadium.  The 12 of us did our best to out cheer the other 10,000 Taiwan fans that night.  We definitely turned heads as we shouted U S A! during periods of silence.  It was a pretty exciting game though.  In the last inning, the USA hit a home run and gained two runs, bringing the score to 4-3 with the US ahead with one run.  Needless to say, we were over the moon.  We truly believed that our cheering helped the US team rally in the last inning.  For dinner, Tracy and I each got a box of dumplings at the stadium for 50 NTD. 

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From left to right: Tracy, me, Rebecca, Christine, Ariel

Directions to Tianmu Baseball Stadium

Take the MRT to Zhishan Station and there is a free shuttle on game days to the stadium.  The bus stop is right outside exit 1. Or you can take Bus No. 616.  The bus stop is in the middle of the station.  From exit 1, turn to your left and then turn left again and walk down the street.  You should be walking along the outside of the station.  The bus stop is right in front of the 7 Eleven. 

Brass Monkey

To celebrate a US win, a few of us went to Brass Monkey to get some food and drinks.  The place was perfect for our outing.  We really enjoyed the music.  A lot of the songs were popular songs back in the late 90s. The music wasn’t too loud so we were able to still talk and hear each other.  Food was good and the drinks looked good as well. They do charge tax which is very western of them. 🙂 They are open pretty late, and there were a decent amount of people the night we went. 

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Ariel with her drink (name of drink currently escapes me)


  1. John Lin
    November 9, 2015 / 4:24 am

    Thumbs Up!

  2. Sue Chang
    November 9, 2015 / 4:29 am

    Great! I want to

  3. RJ
    January 15, 2016 / 2:42 am


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